Performance Management
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Performance Appraisal Tips for New Managers

Performance Appraisal Tips for New Managers | Performance Management |
New managers need to give appraisals and feedback to their team members. For new managers, performance appraisal tips will help them prepare.
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Reinventing Performance Management

Reinventing Performance Management | Performance Management |
How one company is rethinking peer feedback and the annual review, and trying to design a system to fuel improvement
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6 Must-Dos for the Next Performance Review

6 Must-Dos for the Next Performance Review | Performance Management |
Here's how to get truly prepared for these important meetings, in mind and attitude. Remember the whole agenda is ultimately for the employee's benefit.
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What Customers Want From HR

What Customers Want From HR | Performance Management |
IES employment research is published in reports, papers and articles: find it all here.
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JSTOR: The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jun., 1994), pp. 670-687

JSTOR: The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jun., 1994), pp. 670-687 | Performance Management |
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How to Measure Performance-Management ROI

How to Measure Performance-Management ROI | Performance Management |
Using “return on improved performance” curves in performance management can help you clearly understand and communicate where employees add the most value.
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To Achieve World-Class Performance, Forget About The Results

To Achieve World-Class Performance, Forget About The Results | Performance Management |
Whether in business or sports, there is no doubt about the importance of results. When it comes to the question of how to accomplish them, our coaching needs to focus less on demanding and inspecting progress and more on strategies that bring about a commitment to explore our personal best.
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Performance review gender bias: High-achieving women are 'abrasive'

Performance review gender bias: High-achieving women are 'abrasive' | Performance Management |
High-achieving men and women are described differently in performance reviews.
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Can Diversity Learning Be Linked to ROI Performance?

Can Diversity Learning Be Linked to ROI Performance? | Performance Management |
There seems to be a myth operating within some communities of practice, which suggest that the results created by diversity initiatives defy measurement. It is often presented with a belief that creating a measurable diversity process that drives bus...
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Performance Management Process Gaps: New Research and Four Action Steps

Performance Management Process Gaps: New Research and Four Action Steps | Performance Management |
Performance planning, coaching, and review are the foundation of any well-designed performance management system, but the results of a recent study suggest that leaders are falling short in meeting...
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HR Performance Management: Turn the Best Behaviors Into Habits | CEB Blogs

HR Performance Management: Turn the Best Behaviors Into Habits | CEB Blogs | Performance Management |
The working environment for almost all large company employees has changed in the past five years, and required managers to behave differently. It's now more competitive, fast-changing, and complex than it ever has been. For HR functions to help the firm's employees succeed in this environment, they should help them become enterprise contributors.
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Time to Axe the Performance Review: What Do We Replace It With?

Time to Axe the Performance Review:  What Do We Replace It With? | Performance Management |
As meetings go, the annual performance review must be one of the most ineffectual and least popular. The satirical depiction of the performance review in the UK sitcom, The Office, illustrates this
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What if you could replace performance evaluations with four simple questions?

What if you could replace performance evaluations with four simple questions? | Performance Management |
Deloitte has come up with them (and two only need a 'yes' or 'no' answer).
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Seven Ways to Humanize Performance Management

Seven Ways to Humanize Performance Management | Performance Management |
A lot of companies preach today how their most important asset is their people. We are seeing this more and more as organizations realize that having happy, engaged employees creates …
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Australian Public Service Commission - A new approach to performance management

Australian Public Service Commission - A new approach to performance management | Performance Management |
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The business questions your performance measures should answer

The business questions your performance measures should answer | Performance Management |
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Human Resources Blog | Performance

Human Resources Blog | Performance | Performance Management |
Blog articles and resources from the Performance Category in Workplace Tribes Human Resources Blog.
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Performance Management: Solving a Problem by Addressing Its Parts

Performance Management: Solving a Problem by Addressing Its Parts | Performance Management |
I recently wrote an article explaining that performance management is difficult because it involves evaluating employees based on their relative contributions to the company while also …
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Outcomes vs. Outputs: you do understand the difference, don't you?

Outcomes vs. Outputs: you do understand the difference, don't you? | Performance Management |
MindShare HR's insight:

Significant difference between outputs and outcomes in performance

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7 Things To Tell Your Employer In Your Performance Review

7 Things To Tell Your Employer In Your Performance Review | Performance Management |
Performance reviews are a great way to give feedback to your boss, as well. Here are seven things you should say.
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Performance Management: HR’s Rubik’s Cube | CEB Blogs

Performance Management: HR’s Rubik’s Cube | CEB Blogs | Performance Management |
The Rubik’s cube recently reached its 40th birthday. Much like the puzzle, whereby trying to create order on one side of the cube causes disorder on another, HR teams often find themselves facing four paradoxes at the heart of a firm's HR processes. Fixing these could give a timely boost to employee performance in the next 12 months.
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